lowest pigwhore santajak on a night walk

Master ALexwrote: Don't you think this 10km naked and barefoot in the woods is enough punishment for the sow? If not I will think about an extra punishment, no problem at all. You ask me for a text on a paper around his neck and I suggest a kind of manual. This sowpig walks here voluntarily. It's manual: To please it kick it in the balls as often as you like. Let the sowpig pull out the dildo in it's asshole to lick it clean Let it put the dildo back again Give the sowpig 5 slaps right into it's face and order it to walk further. Thanks for the cooperation! It is obvious that the sowpig has to wear a dildo in it's rotten asshole. Hopefully the occasion will be fine and the sowpig will finish this nice punishment.

lowest pigwhore santajak on a night walk
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